Sometimes we almost think that in order to fit in the society we're living in we need to do such things... never knowing that we have the potential to forget who we are.
Since we can't go out to do out routines or to go to gym, home workouts got in our way. And a lot of people today were pressured to do it because it's the trending, but the most important thing we always forgot is to ask ourselves: "why should I do it?"
For some people it's normal because it's their daily routine but for some they do it because they want to feel that they are "in" or they want to impress their crush or other people...
As a future medical professional I want to inspire the people who are reading my blog that we need to know the truth about getting fit:
Exercise has a lot of benefit to our body, not just physically but mentally beneficial too. Sometimes we prescribed to do home workouts to those persons who are facing mental crisis such as depression because it is proven that doing workouts can help your body to release happy hormones, helping your body to control your hormonal changes.
I am a living proof that it can really help your body to control your own hormones and emotions. And it can reduce your muscle fatigue especially if you are physically active such as doing house chores. Plus it can increase your stamina!
If you're a child;
It's really good for you to do home workouts especially if you have a type-1 diabetes (Insulin dependent patients).
But one thing is bothering me when it comes to this age group, most of the youth today think that being physically sexy and fit is a great way to impress the society & making your account or page more popular.
Yes, it's a fact. But we also need to know the truth behind those kind of behaviors.
If you're one of those person who are in the area of adolescence, don't pressure yourself to fit in the society.
You need to know who you are, what you are and what kind of body you have.
Accept that your body is not as matured as what you see in the social media (and that is totally fine!)
Don't imitate those sexy bodies you see in the magazines. (because your body is made uniquely and made only for you)
Never ever compare your body to others (start accepting and appreciating your uniqueness!)
Don't focus too much on your body (because TIME will come it will change, what you need to develop is what's inside of you)
If you're in your early adulthood;
It's good to put that home workouts and exercises in your daily routine because we are starting to get busy in our agendas. Especially to those who are in the field of physically active professions, because we always need an extra stamina & energy to keep our body up.
But the thing is, because we are always pressure to the bodies we are seeing.
We feel like if you have that kind of body you are beautiful. Yes, it's a fact but unless you feel it inside not just on the outside.
It's very overwhelming to receive likes from the people around the social media but we should not depend on them because we will only have the thought of "I need to do this for those people to see that I am sexy and beautiful" leaving your life more stressful.
We tend to develop that coke-shape bod, that slim body, and a lot of our desire to make our body fit & sexy. For some, they do it because they were broken hearted, and for others they do it because they think that they just need it because it's the trend.
Guys, I am here in my blog saying that you don't need to feel the pressure in this times. If they have that kind of body, be happy for them but don't do it because you are told by the society.
But the great thing is, you can do it if you want to. Do it because:
you are willing for the development not just for your body but your mental health also
you accept what kind of body you have & know that you have your own uniqueness
you want to have a healthy lifestyle
It's for your mental health
you want to reduce your anxiety episodes
you want to become a better person
If you're in the latter part of the age group;
We need to accept that our body is undergoing degeneration, which means there are things we need to consider on acceptance;
that our body will never look like the same as what the youth body looks like
that our body need to adjust in the types of workouts we do
that we need to accept that it's okay for our body not to look like the same of the ideal body of the society.
Many of the people in this age group do workouts because they want to look younger, to have a sexy body like what they used to have on their youth, but we should also acknowledge that it can never be the same as it is. If we became fat because of giving birth there is a big change in our body & we need to accept that losing weight is not necessary because for some reasons our body can't handle it especially if you're near to the age of a senior citizen.
Gals, we need to accept and let them hear the thought that it's okay not to meet their ideal body weight & appearance because we need to acknowledge the changes in our body & age.
Bloggerista, share my message that we should do exercises/ home workouts because we "want" to be healthy and not because we are told by the society.
Do things not because you are pressured.
DO things because you are willing to explore new things.
And when you know that you already have the changes in your health, body, & age; acknowledge those changes & make adjustments on your workouts & mindset that it's okay to not to meet the ideal body weight & appearance of the society.
Aim high but in a healthier way! :)
Thank you Bloggerista for reading my blog! Please do share my blog to share the blessing to others! Godbles ya'll mwa xoxo